
Healthy Meals

                                            Healthy Meals 


During my Diet Experiment which was interrupted by two factors *
i was working with my A-TB Blog, creating some meals i used to enjoy many years back
and adapting them to my current needs and plans for the MYF / Diet Experiment
as well as making them suitable for the Rich Nutritional Requirements of an A-TB patient.

So, this Entire Entry below is basically a Copy / Paste from my A-TB Blog 
to save time and work– and containing some notes relevant to an A-TB person
but can also be generally suitable and beneficial ...
to any brave souls out there considering a healthier change...

..........  . /.  .......... 

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The interrupting factors *

For many years my body had been used to getting near 90% Hydrating foods,
each type containing between 70-90 % natural water among the other live nutrients
something i should have taken into consideration and started gradually
instead of applying the change abruptly and 

1) getting highly dehydrated, which i believe contributed and caused the onset of 

2) suffering another episode of high temperature and chills 
     accompanied by dangerously heavy volumes of bleeding.

More details about the Diet experiment:


                              * * * 

                                      Healthy Meals 


My Personal Preference and general Diet has been consuming 90% Raw
as in:  3 Raw Meals a Day x 4 -5 Per Week
or 2 Raw and 1 Raw and Cooked Mixed on the in-between days.

Last meal of day is between 4.30' -5.00' pm to allow plenty of time
for complete digestion, avoiding fermentation and a full stomach pressing
on the lungs -  allowing easier breathing and lighter sleep.

Below for better variety i include some samples of recipes we used to enjoy
in the past before i got A-TB and was then able to add more ingredients
that i now i ether choose or am forced to leave out
due to intolerance problems as mentioned in previous entries.

They will be presented in Three categories: RAW - MIXED - COOKED

Important points to Consider in creating Healthy Meals:

* Selecting Natural Ingredients to create a Healthy meal
  in itself is not enough and does not guarantee a successful outcome.
A Fresh Apple is a Natural Ingredient –if eaten as it is.
If though it is cooked, then mixed with tomato sauce and sautéed
it ends up to be not just totally devoid of any nutrients
but also as bad and detrimental to health as any other processed food.

The less change from the natural state and the more care to preserve
a maximum of all nutrients the more benefit will be derived.

I never Boil anything due to loss of nutrients and flavour
in the water which is rendered unsuitable to be used as a broth
as all nutrients have been killed in the  high temperature of boiling water.

I Always steam and on lowest temperature and shorter possible time
never allowing to overcook, must be ‘holding’ well and have life
as well as flavour when deemed ready (except for Potato).

I never juice anything in a Juice extractor no matter how good quality.
I have had several and a hydraulic – but too much wastage of nutrients
and valuable 'bowel boom' fibre.

               Here is a little helpful Steamer


and here is a simple small size pot for cooking Rice

        (I use 3 Parts Water with 1 Part Rice)
I  Cook Natural Brown Rice using the Slow Absorption method
turning on Lowest level heat  and never let the water boil
Just before water starts to bubble i turn off heat
and let stand for a couple of hours
till all water is absorbed and rice is tender and fluffy.


When the bubbles have just formed and look like above
it is time to turn the heat off.

The more water added the softer – and the less, the firmer.
Soft is best to serve as is, while  Firm can be best 
used in quick Vegetable Steam mixes.

          Water absorbed and ready to be served

To naturally sweeten or flavour the taste, i add
an apple cut in 8 pieces to release some juice in the water
without being cooked and which may be served
with the Rice meal or used in a Fruit salad.

(Depending on type of stove, time may vary
e.g. gas stoves to not keep much heat when turned off
so must leave heat on a little longer while the glass top plate
stoves as in the picture need less time as they keep the heat longer.)

                                * * *

Raw food preparation is easy, either chop, slice or shred
and not much else needed other than ... plenty of Fruit.
The main utensil /gadget  is a Blender or  Mixer.
I use the Mixer to chop quickly veggies into small pieces
and a hand held Blender for my ‘smoothies’ (invented word)
(don’t like to call it ‘drink’ as it comes with alcoholic connotations):

Examples of:


Breakfast Smoothie (or any other time)

* Bananas 3- 4
* Pawpaw  med 1/3 (or 1 cupful)
* 1  Avocado med - lrg
* Strawberries 2-3
* Grapes 5-6
* Tab of Yoghurt (250ml)

   Adding 1/3 cup of Goat milk 
  (as used to some time back before the kidney problems)
   gives it a creamier taste and additional good protein,
   and the lactose in the milk also feeds the yoghurt bacteria.
   Goat milk has lower lactose than cows milk, less fat 
   and is closer in composition to mother's milk 
   and can be the better alternative for those sensitive 
   or lactose intolerant, asthma sufferers etc)

Additional when in Season or available

* Mango
* kiwi
* Cherries

Can also add or alternate some with :

*Pear, Pineapple, Apple (soft flesh or will be gritty)

Fruit Salad

- Banana - Sliced
- Rock melon- Diced
- Grapes green or balc(10 -12)
- Cherries 6-8 or Strawberries (2-3)
- Kiwi Diced - small or sliced thinly

Serve with
- Walnuts Chopped (2-3)
- Cashew nuts – chopped (6-8) or (Pumpkin Seeds)
- Dollop of Honey

- Yoghurt (1 Tbs)
- Prunes - chopped(2-3)
- Sultanas (Tbs Flat)

  1) Paw Paw can be Replaced with Rock Melon         2) Can be served as Fruit Salad


         Can be served as Smoothies or Fruit salads     (see above optionals to add) 
1)Served with Sliced Banana, Apple and Nuts /Seeds 
                                                   2) With Yoghurt, Apple and Avocado, Nuts or Seeds

1) - Yoghurt, Avocado,Cucumber, Grapes, Strawberries
2) - Tomato, Cucumber, Carrot,  Zucchini ,Lettuce, Capsicum,


Rock Melon, Starwberries, Avocado, (Black Grapes would go well too.)

*Yoghurt not very compatible with Rock melon,Pumpkin seeds would be complimenting

*I know mediterranians  usually eat melon and grapes with white cheese
 which regarding taste –and forget digestion- they make an excellent combination
 but chesse usually contains high salt
 and salt = fluid retention = minimising hydration for Lungs...)

Note: There are many nice tasting as well as nutritious ingredients 
one can add, some on the naturally salty /spicy side such as garlic etc
or on the sweet side such as raisins, sultanas, figs and various other 
dried foods which i do not mention here 

a) Because they are sulphur dried, have added preservatives
and -in my case may exacerbate the Malassezia Yeast case.

b) they have strong concentration of some elements that cause change
in the viscosity of the blood, such as garlic does usually producing 
excessive thirst - which i do not consider good for the already
affected balance by some  antibiotics such as Clarithromycin 
and may result in problems for the blood vessels and bleeding.
Many would doubt about such thing and many docs will not believe it either
but in my own case i have observed and experimented several times
before establishing these effects - not all of them present initially
but increasingly with time.


* Rich Greens

- Sweet potato (white) diced (1 sml – med)
- Broccoli Florets (3 - 4)
- Zucchini sliced thick (1 Lrg)
- Brussel sprouts cut in half (3 - 4)
- Okra (3- 4)

Steam and Serve on Dish, topped with

- Lettuce leaf - finely chopped  (1-2 leaves)
- Cucumber ( Lebanese) - diced small pieces (1/2 med)
- Parsley fresh - thinly chopped
- Avocado ripe - diced (1 med)
- Black Olives  chopped in half (3-4)
- Yoghurt plain 1Tbs flat
- Olive Oil 1 Tbs

Optional additions:

- Garlic, very finely chopped (1-2 sml cloves)
- Finely chopped shallots (1 sml head and small part of green tail)
- Mushrooms, lightly cooked* - chopped in quarters (3-4)
- Walnuts chopped (2-3) or Pumpkin Seeds (1 Tbs)

Place in small, shallow pan with ¼ cup water
  lowest temperature just till water starts to bubble lightly
  or mushrooms soften lightly.
  (The more cooked the more rubbery and chewy and less tasty)

* For Non Vegetarians: Fillet of white Fish Grilled or Shrimps would go nicely.

          Can Replace with orange sweet potato and / or add beetroot greens stalks


          Served with Sliced Banana, Apple and nuts /seeds or Pre-Cooked Rice
                                                 (omitting nuts or seed  )


Precooked, Steamed: Rice orange sweet potato, Beetroot,
Raw: Apple, Strawberries

Beetroot  and Apple can be both RAW and Finely shredded, served on top of the Rice.


Steamed: Sweet Potato (purple skin), Green beans, Snow Peas, Red Capsicum
Raw: Avocado, Lettuce, Tomato, Cucumber

                                                Served with Yoghurt
             (Could add grated Apple,  chopped Parsley, Pumpkin Seeds)


Rice with Mixed Vegetables

         ( A man's meal, my man’s regular and favourite dinner - above )


- Natural Brown Rice (lightly precooked with less water to be firm)
- Eggplant, Capsicum, Beetroot, Brussel sprouts, Carrots, Green Beans

Topped with
-Greek style Yoghurt
-Chopped Apple,
- or
Lettuce and /or Parsley and /or Olives, 1 Tbs Olive Oil

- - - -

Another of my man’s (and a bit overcooked for my taste...but that’s how he prefers it)

Potato, Brussel sprouts, Carrots, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Zucchini, Capsicum
(can add Beetroot)  - Served with Yoghurt, and chopped raw garlic


Can be served with chopped Parsley and finely grated Ginger
(instead of or in addition to garlic)
(Garlic i find contributes to dehydration and i personally avoid)

Pumpkin Soup 

- Potato Diced
- Pumpkin Chunky Diced
- Carrots thick sliced

Wheeze hot in Blender with
- 1/3 to 1/2  warm Goat Milk
- Dub of Unsalted Butter

Serve immediately garnished with  (Optional)
- Finely Chopped Parsley (1Tbs)
- Finely Chopped Olives (1-2 )
- Finely Chopped Chives (1 stalk white part)

These are just a few samples of how to create healthy meal combinations.

              * * *