


                                                       UPDATE   SEP  2013  

Regrettably eBlogger has had serious problem saving, previewing and updating entries,
for near a year now -if not over- and still not being fixed,wasting a lot of time and effort,
so i had to move new entries in a different site. 


This Current Blog, Reviewed Once More, Updated and Sightly Enhanced

         Has Been Re-Blogged as * Malassezia Blog *

                         And a NEW SITE!

                      * Malassezia Daily *

                     Five New Categories


                         1- Readers Q &As

   Dealing with Readers’ Questions

1- Been asked by Direct communications with Readers
2- Search Keyword Questions used by Readers
    to arrive at the Malassezia sites.

                        2- Keywords

Dealing with Readers Search keywords
as Specific aspects or areas of Topics
suggested by Search Keywords used by Readers

                        3- Malassezia Dictionary

Quick Way to read directly Brief info
about a Topic, Method or Substance
and its relevance or effect on Malassezia

                         4- Daily Maintenance

Ongoing Update Notes with Additional Helpful parts of Info
as Noticed, Observed or just Being Confirmed or Discovered
during Daily Routine Maintenance or Special Conditions

                         5- Malassezia Humour

This Section is a direct Copy/Paste of Search Keywords typed by Readers
some typed in a hurry or misspelt, using part keywords or keyword in keyword
sounding rather funny when viewed on their own isolated from the topic
- if one can retain any sense of humour about it all- under the circumstances.

My Belief is - It Never hurts to Laugh No matter what...
especially since Malassezia can make Life miserable in so many ways.

These keywords are also treated seriously, transferred to and dealing with
in the Malassezia Keywords section.

         * More Categories are Added along the way

    Click on Link  MalasseziaDaily *   ( )

   Click on Link  * Malassezia Blog   ( )


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