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                                                    * Malassezia Daily *

                                             Below *Malassezia Daily* View 

                      Five New Categories


                          1- Readers Q &As

                Dealing with Readers’ Questions

                            2- Keywords

        Dealing with Readers Search keywords

                             3- Malassezia Dictionary

                              4- Daily Maintenance

Ongoing Update Notes with Additional Helpful parts of Info
as Noticed, Observed or just Being Confirmed or Discovered 
during Daily Routine Maintenance or Special Conditions.

                               5- Malassezia Humour

This Section is a direct Copy/Paste of Search Keywords typed by Readers
some typed in a hurry or misspelt, using part keywords or keyword in keyword
sounding rather funny when viewed on their own isolated from the topic
- if one can retain any sense of humour about it all- under the circumstances.

My Belief is - It Never hurts to Laugh No matter what...
especially since Malassezia can make Life miserable in so many ways.

These keywords are also treated Seriously, transferred to and dealing with
in the Malassezia Keywords section or Directly below each entry 

                                 All UPDATES for here Onwards 

                          can be Followed on *Malassezia Daily*

                            Click on Link  for  * MalasseziaDaily * 

                            (  Click on Link  * Malassezia Blog * )
                                                  * MALASSEZIA DIARY *


                                                            Please Note:

                  All Updates announced Below will Only be Posted on the New Site:

                       ‘Malassezia Yeast ~ My Story’


          28 March 13

         See Also latest Entries: 
      *  Where I am Now

(20 May 13)                  On a New Experiment

I have already dedicated enough material on Diet and experimentations
Long or short etc, but due to recent heavy lung bleeds i developed
a voracious appetite for certain items, so much so that i had to forego
my regular diet and implement a new one to accommodate that need.

During that period i noticed some change of mild reduction of yeast activity.
I was not quite sure whether this was the main reason
but having gone back to the original menu again i noticed a slight increase.

Still not being able to verify if it was the diet or other changes causing it
i decided that now my body has adapted to the new diet  due its needs
i thought it might be a good opportunity to go back and trial it for longer
and more systematically so that i can verify if indeed it made a difference
or it was co incidental.

 This is one more chance to see if there Is anything that can be done internally.

 I will be giving it approximately three months of consistency 
and recording any other changes that might contribute to the result,
and if successful i shall return to Report the Finding.

I estimate i will be able to make the Report available Mid- August
or earlier if there are clear enough indications on either side of the scale. 

                                              * * *

2 Dec 12

 ' Modification of Diet '  experiment Resulted in :

Practically throwing me  back to where i was two years ago
Malassezia Proliferating in an Incredibly Accelerated Pace,

Unfinished and aborted urgently due to unprecedented proliferation of Malassezia



                                             * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

                                   Entries in the ‘Daily Tips and Updates’

             Have been revised, corrected and separated into individual Entries:


                                      Please Click on Links below

                                                           * * * 

..............  . /. .............  

To View Complete Entry
Please Click on Link
‘ Read More 

27 Nov 12

( Re: 5 Nov 12 I am Currently Conducting a Three month Triple Experiment:

        1- Modification of Diet )

The Diet part of the Experiment is now on just over the half way through mark
and i have already paid an Enormous Price!...

The results are Crystal Clear and Beyond any Doubt
and not only there is No need to Continue the experiment
but rather Great Urgency to Reverse as Fast as i can possibly manage!

Instead of a ‘Fish for a Fry’ i have pulled up a Shark i can hardly deal with.

Malassezia has been Proliferating in an Incredibly Accelerated Pace,
Sea water, YAM Mixture, Acidophilus Capsules have nearly had no effect stemming it back
and even forced to resort into Daily enemas has proved pretty close Ineffective...

I have been practically thrown back to where i was two years ago
and have been frantically trying to reverse the pace and clear my system once more

Fortunately i know the way and i can see already
the Four ever Successful Helpers mentioned above
– Seawater, YAM Mixture, Acidophilus Capsules and Enemas –
,have already started to turn the dark  tide around...

                 In a Nut Shell for those who may read the Diary 
                            i can say with Absolute Certainty
                         (at least in regards to my Own Body)



I shall post a New Entry of  Full Review with Details regarding the Diet Experiment
provided my health allows me the energy to do so, and will publish as promised,
 as soon as i have reversed and recovered from this regrettable experience.

Full Review Entry when completed will be announced and only posted on the new site:

                 Malassezia Yeast ~ My Story

9 Nov 12

I have been looking through all my Malassezia Photo Files
finding many photos that have not been published so far
so i am preparing a New Entry that will include All of them
Both Published as well as Unpublished that will serve as
                  The One Photo Place.
This will be helpful to seeing/checking again a photo
without having to search through different entries to find it.

5 Nov 12

I am Currently Conducting a Three month Triple Experiment:

1- Modification of Diet

2- Applying YAM Mixture on Scalp and Hair

3- Re-introduced Acidophilus Capsules in Internal Areas

Results and Details will be reported mid-January 13