
My Health Crusade...

                                                                                24 July 12
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    My Health Crusade:

Aiming at helping people suffering the effects
of Malassezia Yeast Fungous or Demodex
such as:

* Painful, Burning, Itchy Bumps or Lesions on Body
* Itchy Bumps or Lesions on Scalp, Upper body
   As well as Private Areas
   Both Internally as well as Externally.

* Paper Cut Sores

* Itchy, Gritty Scalp
*Thinning and or Falling Hair

* Blepharitis

* Itchy, Dry, Scaly, Stretched Skin

by sharing personal information and experiences
with different treatments and methods.

Nothing to Sell or Advertise 
Nor affiliated with any Business

I have Deliberately Refrained 
from linking this site 
with Any Advertising of any Kind 
 .possibly missing on good Dollars?.
in an Effort to Present Information 
Can Be Trusted for its Truthfulness
without any hidden motives.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
                                             (Nov 12)

                                    *            *            *

                            ‘Malassezia Yeast ~ My Story’


                                  All Three Malassezia Sites
                                 Have Now Been Revised and Updated
                           Sonatas Story:

                           Malassezia Yeast – My Personal Battle:

                       Malassezia Yeast ~ My Story:

                          More Entries, more Photos and Recent Commentary

                                           *            *            *
                             All Links Inside Entries Redirect to the New Site
                      Only the New One will be Updated from here onwards
                           as the two older ones have reached their full capacity

                                    To Remain within the Viewing Site
                             Please Use The Links on the Right Side Menu.
                                                The New site is                      
                                  Malassezia Yeast ~ My Story:
