
Malassezia Yeast & the Yoghurt Experience

Malassezia Yeast: 

 The Yoghurt Experience and Home Made Cottage Cheese...

( For a good giggle!)


In just One hour!....

..........  . /.  ..........     

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* 3 heaped Tablespoons of home made Yoghurt 
    (straight out of the fridge!)

* Spread thickly on a Clean Facecloth

* Slap on your Burning Hot Unsuspected genitals.

* Waddle slowly to the nearest chair and sit carefully 
    without misplacing the cloth from the main area

* Sit still while absorbing the shock of the sudden coldness

* Close your weary eyes ... if you can convince yourself 


  that  you have not... 'just done it' in your pants 

     and try to relax for One hour...

* Remove Facecloth carefully ...and ...Presto!....

     You ve just got Freshly made Cottage Cheese!...

     And if you are lucky ... hopefully some half dead, 
shocked and semi paralysed Legggggged creatures!

* Ah!!!.......and dont forget to do this at 4 am 
     while it is still quiet and pitch black! 
     ...or it wont be as much fun...

I have more ...lethal recipes like this 
but somehow i dont think many would be keen trying them
... dont know why! ...

This qualifies as a first class 
"Please Do not Laugh...its Real"
theme for my personal blog 
but i think i ll give it a miss ...

        * * *

This is not actually a recipe ... although it did work, 
but rather an email i had sent to my daughters during the initial times
of naive perceptions and expectations of 'helpful' home remedies
while trying to combat -still then unidentified-  
one of the most evil creatures on earth
or what i have come to now call as the Spawn of Hell...

Humour is one way that helps me cope with the situation even when in tears.

         * * *

June 2012: 
My condition has now dramatically improved 
and although there are still moments of frustration 
there are no more tears and dark despair.